Friday, February 20, 2009
A Few Thoughts
Kaylan, thank you for your kind words and your support. I have given much thought to the idea of running for public office over the last year, particularly US Congress due to the age requirement. I know most people start out with local and much less demanding careers in politics, but I would like to make a change where I believe I can make a change. Crystal and I are both due to graduate in August, but it is a discussion that we will have and something that will take a lot of prayer and faith. This site has been one that contains a bit of satire, but when it comes down to it, I have real and meaningful ideas that I believe would be agreeable to most Americans. I have a deep and abiding love for this land, and want to see our nation return to what God intended it do be. This nation was designed to have power in both the states and the central government, with the latter being the secondary power maker. When you really get down to it, the individual is the one with the power and we should all be free to make our wishes known, with the majority's wishes being enacted. This allows us to remain prosperous and blessed as long as the majority seek after goodness. When that is no longer the case, then we are destined for failure by way of no longer having the blessed protection of the Almighty. With that being said, I have hope that there are yet many good individuals in this country, even though at times, what we see from our leaders would make us think differently. Government's main purpose is for defense/public order and public works, as far as I see it. We all need clean water, and roadways, and safety from those who would do us harm. Along the lines of defense, Benjamin Franklin said, "The way to secure peace is to be prepared for war." In quoting an Italian saying he wrote "Make yourselves sheep, and the wolves will eat you." Sticking with Benjamin Franklin, I would like to quote him on matters of financial frugality as well. Said he, "Remember, a patch on your coat and money in your pocket is better and more creditable than a writ on your back and no money to take it off." More of us need to heed this counsel, myself included. This is why our government's credit rating is being considered fit for downgrading. The reason being, there is fear that we do not have the money to pay back that which we are borrowing. It all boils down to "stuff" that nobody is willing to part with. We cannot bear the thought of having a different standard of living, and so everyone is too big to fail, even the failing homeowner. There is an old pioneer saying that I am going to try and start living by. "Fix it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without!" We can all get through this together, but just mere hope without good works is useless. Obedience to laws, and a little sacrifice, brings blessings.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Monopoly Money
In my post I just wrote, I said something about Monopoly money. This is a great video that shows just how much money we have been printing recently. It sort of mocks Al Gore, but this chart actually should scare the heck out of you. Click here for the video!
I'm Still Bent About the Stimulus Bill....Guess It's Not Working!
I'm still bent about the stimulus bill, so I guess it isn't working! You are probably thinking to yourself; "that sounds like a personal problem". Seriously though, the whole thing is a crock of crap. It seems like we are spending money faster than they can even print it which pretty soon is going to leave us playing with Monopoly money. How can people really think this is going to work? Maybe the truth is, the people really don't think it will work. This is all some dumb political scheme that never had the approval of the public. I haven't written and called my government "leaders" on many things. My latest attempt to speak some sense to one of them was before the second round of voting in the US Senate on the "stimulus" bill. It took me over 2 hours to get through after trying 3 different locations. I made over 50 call attempts before finally getting through to the Washington D.C. office of Senator Arlen Spector. I spoke with the goon who answers the phone, wondering if my message would ever even get noted. I asked if they had a lot of calls today, and he stated the phone lines were busy. I told him I assumed that meant people were calling to express their opposition to the "stimulus" bill. I asked if that assumption was correct, and he said that a lot were calling to voice their displeasure with Senator Spector's stance. I figured that would be the case, because most people don't call a business to thank them for there great service; they call to voice frustration or problems. I asked him if Senator Spector remembered who he worked for and told him if he did not vote with the people against the bill, then he would not be getting my vote for reelection. When I awoke the next morning, I went straight to the Senate website to check the votes, and what do you know Senator Spector supported the bill anyway. These bums do not remember who they work for and pays their salary. They always know better than the people even though, they are suppose to do as the majority asks them to do. The main reason we are in this problem like we are today, is because small lobbyist groups have made their voices heard while the majority has sat back in silence, thinking everything will be fine. Well, the squeaky wheel (small lobbyist groups) got the grease and the majority and their wishes were not known, or acted upon. But now, when we are starting to make our voices heard, they are not listening anyway, because they have gotten so corrupt. They don't care what we want anymore because government has gotten too powerful. We are headed for what could be the worst economic disaster this world has ever seen, and we are being lied to like we are a bunch of uneducated hicks. Somehow, on top of it all, they are throwing in things that have nothing to do with "stimulus" of the economy. For example, they will now have access to every one's medical records. I'm not sure how that has anything to do with the economy and nobody asked me for permission. Whatever happened to that whole HIPPA thing? So much for privacy and only letting persons see your record who you give permission to. So, back to the economy and what our socialist heading government won't tell you or allow to happen. We need to let every single one of these companies that are going under do just that; go under. Allowing our economy to reset is a natural thing and will in the long run, make it more robust and able to stand the test of time. I know it is some kind of no-no to talk about religion and politics, but I think this analogy deserves to be said. Our Father in Heaven sent us here knowing we would experience pain and suffering, but that was the only way we would learn, grow, and have the potential to become like him. Satan on the other hand wanted to keep us all from experiencing any harm or pain, and we would have to do exactly as he said. The only problem with that is that we would never learn for ourselves and therefore have no potential for growth. There must be opposition in all things. Without the failures, there would be no understanding of true success. Without sorrow, there can be no joy. If we would all just be willing to endure a few lean years, then the good years would return and be that much more worth it. Hopefully along the way we would remember how to save and not be so wasteful and greedy. With the current plan given to us by those who have lost touch with the people and reality, we will learn nothing, and the outlook for growth and success actually looks a lot worse.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
President or Dictator?
Did anybody else watch that B**S** on television last night about the "stimulus" plan? I could only take about 15 minutes before I considered kicking the president in the head through the tv screen. Is that guy the president of a country that has 2 other equal powers or does he see himself as a supreme ruler? I have never heard or seen so much arrogance in a president. To put it plainly, he is a prick. I'm sorry to be so bold in my statement, but he does not seem to care what the rest of the country thinks. I think I may have seen his eyes turn red last night; I'm just saying. I also can't stand those week in the knees republicans who caved today. Arlen Spector, from my home state, has been a constant problem when it comes to this. He is the most liberal conservative I have ever seen, if that even makes sense. That kind of stuff makes me want to run for office as a Democrat and vote as a Conservative. What is the point of the D's and R's anyway? They are all a bunch of clowns and it is time for term limits. The problem is, you will not find a single one of them that will write a bill instituting such a law. They are all too comfortable strapping the backs of the American people. We are so far gone from what our founding fathers intended! Each week that has gone by over the last 6 months has taken away every last piece of hope I have in this country as it now stands. I take back my stance on a peaceful change back to normalcy. I don't think the people will put up with this too much longer. If I lived in California, for instance, right now I would be beating down the governor's door until I got my refund. How can a state run out of money that was never theirs? A refund means you loaned the government money for a few months so you could not earn interest on it, and then in California, they seem to have used it anyway with no regard to ownership. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!! If we do not preserve freedom here and now, it will not stand anywhere without a revolution from those who still believe. I know this is the most scattered bunch of bull you have ever read, but it is time to shake off the dust. There cannot be a single person who sits on their couch and says, everyone else will call and tell them how we feel. We must all call the current trash that resides in Washington and tell them where we stand. They want re-election, TRUST ME. They wouldn't know what to do without their current job, because they are all a bunch of bums. The good ones are few and far between, but I am grateful for them. It is time to take a stand!
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