Friday, February 20, 2009

A Few Thoughts

Kaylan, thank you for your kind words and your support. I have given much thought to the idea of running for public office over the last year, particularly US Congress due to the age requirement. I know most people start out with local and much less demanding careers in politics, but I would like to make a change where I believe I can make a change. Crystal and I are both due to graduate in August, but it is a discussion that we will have and something that will take a lot of prayer and faith. This site has been one that contains a bit of satire, but when it comes down to it, I have real and meaningful ideas that I believe would be agreeable to most Americans. I have a deep and abiding love for this land, and want to see our nation return to what God intended it do be. This nation was designed to have power in both the states and the central government, with the latter being the secondary power maker. When you really get down to it, the individual is the one with the power and we should all be free to make our wishes known, with the majority's wishes being enacted. This allows us to remain prosperous and blessed as long as the majority seek after goodness. When that is no longer the case, then we are destined for failure by way of no longer having the blessed protection of the Almighty. With that being said, I have hope that there are yet many good individuals in this country, even though at times, what we see from our leaders would make us think differently. Government's main purpose is for defense/public order and public works, as far as I see it. We all need clean water, and roadways, and safety from those who would do us harm. Along the lines of defense, Benjamin Franklin said, "The way to secure peace is to be prepared for war." In quoting an Italian saying he wrote "Make yourselves sheep, and the wolves will eat you." Sticking with Benjamin Franklin, I would like to quote him on matters of financial frugality as well. Said he, "Remember, a patch on your coat and money in your pocket is better and more creditable than a writ on your back and no money to take it off." More of us need to heed this counsel, myself included. This is why our government's credit rating is being considered fit for downgrading. The reason being, there is fear that we do not have the money to pay back that which we are borrowing. It all boils down to "stuff" that nobody is willing to part with. We cannot bear the thought of having a different standard of living, and so everyone is too big to fail, even the failing homeowner. There is an old pioneer saying that I am going to try and start living by. "Fix it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without!" We can all get through this together, but just mere hope without good works is useless. Obedience to laws, and a little sacrifice, brings blessings.


Chaleace said...

Couldn't agree with you more! I totally agree with Kaylan as for office, you'd be great. We need more people like you in there!

Paul said...

You do not know me but Kaylan gave me your blog. I am also very fed up with the recent decisions by our federal government to print money like it is going out of style. I am amazed to see what politicians on every side have done over the last year and in the long run what they are doing will make it worse.

I am looking at trying to organize a large scale rally to urge our politicians to restore fiscal responsibility and was wondering if you might be willing to be involved in such a thing. My name is Paul and Kaylan has my e-mail address information.

I would love to discuss some of my ideas with you. I think it is time that something be done and I for one am tired of sitting by and watching our country make such horrible decisions.