Monday, October 27, 2008
Where's Mitt?
So, I wore my Mitt Romney for President beanie today. I was just making a statement about how there are no real choices for us. Both of the two major parties nominated clowns for candidates. Somebody reassured me that Mitt was not nominated, but I told them that was the point. We should have picked Mitt. I think many are kicking themselves and many more will be when we are given either one of these two characters (Obama or McCain). What's even worse is the likelihood that we may end up with a Democrat for President and a Democratic Congress. I am about to embark into the world of a nursing career once I graduate next summer, but now I am afraid of what I will find. I just heard today that doctors in France make anywhere from $50 - 100k as reported on the Big Talker 1210. That is a stark contrast to what they earn here in the US. Logic would tell me that nurses would make even less. Here's to national health care (and other socialistic programs). Quite frankly, I am sick of most of the politicians telling me how I can't do it on my own and I deserve government intervention. They are selling me and you out! It's time we tell them we deserve better! We want leaders who believe in us! If we don't start believing in ourselves as well, then we will get what we think we want, and it will be great COMRAD.
Monday, October 20, 2008
"These are the times that try men's souls"
I think Thomas Paine is exactly what we need in these times. Appropriately he lived in Philadelphia just as I do. Unfortunately he did not really finish the fight he began for the Revolution. My heart tells me that we are in turbulent times; times that try men's souls. I fear however, where that may lead us. Our very foundation, our Constitution, is crumbling beneath us. We must remember what it is that we stand for. We must return to God. My fear about these times that try men's souls is that we will not find enough who have the spirit of revolution, but instead find those who fall in place like lemmings and accept the destruction of our nation. I am not at all calling for a revolution. What I am saying is that we need men and woman like those who lived in days gone by. We need people who will not back down in the face of evil. Too many have grown weak in the knees. Our revolution needs to be a peaceful one which is done by kicking out the trash that currently works in Washington. We cannot survive any other kind. We will not be blessed unless we return to the founding principles of this great land. It still says "In God We Trust" on our currency. It's time to tell the government and everyone else to put their money where their mouth is.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
What Goes Up, Must Come DOWn!
It appears I am a prophet. No, but seriously, these temporary jumps in the stocks these last few weeks are all a joke (and so was my first comment). Even I did not expect the fall to be that quick and big after the big climb everyone was talking about yesterday. I had no doubt that it would happen though. We have to wake up to the fact that dumping money into the system is going to do little more than bankrupt the entire nation instead of just the businesses who made poor decisions. I also think people know that and that's why they keep taking their money out of the stock market. We all know that things are not good in spite of the government's attempt to make it seem like all will be okay. We can get through this though if we tell our politician's to wake up and stop spending us into oblivion. What goes up must come down, but it can likely go back up again.
Proposition 8
Proposition 8 will be on the ballot on November 4, 2008 in California. Thanks to liberal judges which made an outrageous ruling a short while ago,overruling the decision to deny gay marriage, gay "couples" are now allowed to be married in California. Proposition 8 calls to make an amendment to make the rights of marriage solely for a man and a woman and take back what was already in place, not by man, but by God. We have a similar bill in Pennsylvania which needs be voted on to give a definition to marriage as being between a man and a woman. Unfortunately opposing politicians continue to play games in order to prevent a vote from taking place. Please call your PA state representatives and tell them you support SB 1250. This is critical for the morality of our nation. Some will say it is hatred towards those that are "different", but it protects the rights of the majority and protects your religious freedoms. We must prevent the movement to allow same-sex couples to be legally married. According to The First Presidency and Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "The family is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to [God's] eternal plan. [We] warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets. We call upon responsible citizens and officers of government everywhere to promote those measures designed to maintain and strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of society" (The Family: A Proclamation to the World).
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
This Article Says It All!
I just got an email with this article included from my old state congressman. Please click here to read! The article says it all about how government works and how deep the corruption goes. This is coming from a guy who just finished his first 2 year term in the PA Congress. It all makes me so sick.
Yeah....the DOW is up!
Yeah....the DOW is up! That is what everyone is talking about today. It is ridiculous. People are so easily fooled into thinking a temporary success is a long term security. I for one, not to be pessimistic, do not believe that prosperity is around the corner. I think we are only barely scratching the surface of what is happening and along the way we are turning into a bunch of socialist. We are allowing our government to federalize everything just so big important businesses and stupid people don't fail. That is what life is all about. It is filled with failures and successes that in the end amount to something great if you pick yourself back up and try again. If we don't allow the failures to happen, then we will never learn from what we did wrong.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Jim Gerlach
Congressman Jim Gerlach, your time is over. You voted against the bailout and then for it. It seemed as though you listened to those of us who wrote you and told you we do not support this crazy bill, and then you changed your mind based on your own "feelings". Just so you know, you don't get to vote based on personal "feelings". You are supposed to vote as we would have you vote. Senator Casey and Senator Specter, you too are a waste of space in the US Senate and are no longer needed. I encourage everyone else to post the names of their congressman and senators who went against your wishes which were clearly made known by most of America. They need to be made known and know themselves that their days are numbered. If it is too late this election to change the polls of their being reelected, then we will kick them out next time and somebody new will run in their place until we get what we want. I will be one of those who runs against the dead space next go around.
We The People!
I am very passionate about political things and thanks to Glenn Beck, I give you a blog with a title such as this. That's not to say I am going to have to translate everything for you from these scumbags in Washington, D.C., but it makes a point. This is everything politics and I encourage your participation. The people need to be heard and I believe that when we speak up for ourselves, we can take back what is ours, namely this country. The men and women we elect, or get stuck with, work for us. If they don't understand that, then they need to go, and I believe that can and will happen. We all have a responsibility to speak up and NOW IS THE TIME to do that and more. It's all about we the people, not we the select few. Make your voice known with me as we take back our freedoms and our purest of beliefs.
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