Monday, October 20, 2008

"These are the times that try men's souls"

I think Thomas Paine is exactly what we need in these times. Appropriately he lived in Philadelphia just as I do. Unfortunately he did not really finish the fight he began for the Revolution. My heart tells me that we are in turbulent times; times that try men's souls. I fear however, where that may lead us. Our very foundation, our Constitution, is crumbling beneath us. We must remember what it is that we stand for. We must return to God. My fear about these times that try men's souls is that we will not find enough who have the spirit of revolution, but instead find those who fall in place like lemmings and accept the destruction of our nation. I am not at all calling for a revolution. What I am saying is that we need men and woman like those who lived in days gone by. We need people who will not back down in the face of evil. Too many have grown weak in the knees. Our revolution needs to be a peaceful one which is done by kicking out the trash that currently works in Washington. We cannot survive any other kind. We will not be blessed unless we return to the founding principles of this great land. It still says "In God We Trust" on our currency. It's time to tell the government and everyone else to put their money where their mouth is.

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